Corporate Social Responsibility

2014 National elections monitoring

There is a great deal of animosity towards the governance situation in South Africa. The truth is we are a young and quite healthy democracy. We should not, however, be complacent. It is important that the integrity and rigour of the democratic and constitutional rules of our country are maintained. For this reason, the staff and directors of Earthstone, and a number of our strategic partners volunteered to be election observers in the National Election. Some of our people also joined in the counting, working into the early hours of the morning. We thank all everyone that participated in this meaningful event.
At Earthstone we take the development of our communities seriously. The following are some of the activities we have undertaken to given back to the community...

Training of Sports Federations for Malelane

Municipality (Mpumalanga)

In partnership with  the South African Youth Development Organisation (SAYDO), three of our directors participated in a training session with various heads of sports federations within the municipality. These federations provide a vital link to young South Africans, providing access to sports coaching and funding that they would otherwise never find. Our training session focussed on strategic planning, basic administration approaches and how to access funding. The relationship is a continuing one, both through support to the SAYDO and to the Municipality.

Click here for a few of the photos

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