
Project and Corporate Financing

Earthstone, through a range of national and international partnerships, is able to offer corporate and project financing to developers and agencies operating within the sustainability arena, particularly renewable energy. Project financing plays a vital part in capitalising large-scale projects such as power plants, transportation and telecommunications infrastructure. We also offer developmental finance solutions looking at social upliftment and  community-development projects Through Corporate financing will help define the sources of funding and the capital structure of business organisations and the activities that management decide on to increase shareholder value. To assist we have in place a range of  tools and analytics used to identify and allocate financial resources. These include: Project Finance Sourcing and business plan development Financial & Commercial Due Diligence Valuations Transaction structuring & financial advisory

Financial Modeling

Building on the services of our partner, CorpActive, Earthstone supports leading companies with financial models building on over a decades experience. Whether it's a feasibility study, strategic decision-making or financial forecasting, CorpActive has been supporting clients in various industries from telecoms to large scale infrastructure. Through Earthstone, we take this expertise to the renewable energy sector offering clients unique insights into their businesses.

Our partner CorpActive offers a range of additional financial advisory solutions, check them out here

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